Picture perfect picketing. Here’s a few top tips to get the perfect snap.

Well, it’s finally happened. Our old online catalogue just can’t stagger on any longer. As a result, we’ve had to develop a replacement in just two months! While we’re confident eventually it will be a much better experience than before, we need your feedback to make sure we get it right.

Using this simple Twitter trick can tidy up your tweets and increase your engagement rate. For a long time now Twitter has allowed users to upload videos directly to the platform rather than link out to YouTube (or other video platforms). This creates a better experience for your audience. But what if I told you […]

We’re trying something new for the schools campaign and ballot. It’s a new engagement tool for your phone to help you maximise recruitment and ballot participation.

Digital transformation is not about doing the same things we’ve always done but just doing more of it with new technology. It’s not building an app that replicates your traditional website. It means stripping right back to look at what trade unions look like in the 21st century, and asking what does belonging to a trade union mean?

This summer, UNISON members successfully secured meaningful pay rises in the NHS; but members elsewhere are getting ready to fight for real terms pay rises and a deal that recognises long term pay cuts. Higher education workers across England are being consulted on their pay offer, with a view to rejecting it. The campaigns run […]

I’m fairly confident this is the first ever news article based on a web pay calculator going offline. A dubious honour, but this is the story of the online world.
We think that our workplace reps are one of UNISON’s greatest assets. The support they give members is invaluable – partly because they’re available for members to talk to face-to-face. When a new member joins, workplace reps are around to introduce them to the union. They can answer questions on everything from disciplinary hearings to […]

For five days eight UNISON staff are working together to decide what a future experience for joining UNISON online should look like. Day one focused on a review of how online joining works at the moment for UNISON members and what kind of vision and goals we might set for a new online join experience.

I’ve been in post as Digital Data Analyst for 12 weeks now. In that time, over half a million people visited and 1.6 million pages have been viewed on the UNISON website. We’ve had over 33,000 people join UNISON online. Our social media posts have reached over 3 million timelines. We’ve received thousands of responses to […]