Alison Charlton
Well, it’s finally happened. Our old online catalogue just can’t stagger on any longer. As a result, we’ve had to develop a replacement in just two months! While we’re confident eventually it will be a much better experience than before, we need your feedback to make sure we get it right.
We’re trying something new for the schools campaign and ballot. It’s a new engagement tool for your phone to help you maximise recruitment and ballot participation.
Digital transformation is not about doing the same things we’ve always done but just doing more of it with new technology. It’s not building an app that replicates your traditional website. It means stripping right back to look at what trade unions look like in the 21st century, and asking what does belonging to a trade union mean?
The Labour leadership campaign is on. For the next couple of months there will be memes, blogs, twibbons, and hashtags all over Twitter, but how can you manage a UNISON related account during the campaign?