South East website build to-do list

A change is gonna come

Building a new South East region website makes me hopeful for the region’s digital future – and that of UNISON more broadly.

New on the UNISON website: a searchable database of policy decisions

Check out our searchable and browsable view of UNISON policy motions going back more than 10 years.

Three quick tips to boost your branch email open rates

1. Add value You have three seconds to convince someone to engage with your email. That’s all. If they read the first sentence and they don’t know what you’re trying to tell them, they’ll delete. So remember to always cut your copy. Cut and cut again and if the meaning remains the same, you’re on to […]

Making the network of UNISON websites make sense: a first step

Today, we rolled out the latest in a series of changes we’re making that should, over time, help us to make the full network of UNISON website more cohesive, easier to navigate and use.