New on the UNISON website: a searchable database of policy decisions

Check out our searchable and browsable view of UNISON policy motions going back more than 10 years.

A searchable and browsable view of UNISON policy motions going back more than 10 years.

Every year, UNISON holds a number of conferences to decide on the direction of the union. The motions discussed and voted upon, if carried, become UNISON policy and outline work to be undertaken by the relevant democratically-elected committees – the National Executive Committee for the National Delegate Conference, LGBT Committee for LGBT Conference etc.

Having access to all the motions passed over preceding years is important for the good functioning of the union. Though a database of policy motions passed by conferences has been available for many years within UNISON’s conference system, it wasn’t as accessible and searchable as we might have wanted.

As part of the Digital.UNISON Work Programme we are proud to announce a new policy motions database, now available on the UNISON website. This offers a full, searchable and browsable view of policy motions passed at UNISON conferences, going back more than 10 years (n.b. motions not reached or defeated are not included).

Visit the policy motions database now >

As the policy motions database is still very new, we fully expect to see some areas where we think it isn’t working as well. We’ll be keeping a close eye on how people are using it, to identify what could be honed. If, however, you notice any issues or bugs that you’d like to report, please do contact us. We’re available @UNISONDigital on Twitter or on email at