After 12 weeks the Big ♡ UNISON Prize Draw has now ended. We’ve had great engagement with the campaign, with 136,000 entries leading to 25,000 new or updated email addresses and 38,000 new or updated phone numbers.
We’d like to take the opportunity now to thank everybody who contributed to making the prize draw such a huge success. UNISON is that much stronger thanks to all your hard work.
On to the winners! UNISON Digital is delighted to announce that the winners of the branch competition are as follows:
Small branches (500 or fewer members):
Ribble Valley Local Government
Medium branches (501 to 3,000 members):
Cheshire Police
Large branches (more than 3,000 members):
Cornwall Local Government
Best branch on Twitter:
University of South Wales (@UnisonUSWGroup)
Congratulations to our winners! We’ll be in touch with your prizes shortly. You can find out how your branch did in the league tables at the bottom of this page.
In the regional stakes, South West managed to hold off keen competition from South East and retained the top spot until the bitter end – congratulations to them as well.
Whilst the prize draw may have ended, UNISON’s work has not. The point of the prize draw was to make sure we had contact details for as many of our members as possible, to help make us more durable in the face of the Trade Union Bill/Act. We’ve made a great start, but we can always do better, so please do keep encouraging members to update their contact details.